• 作者:Zhang Ciyun
  • ISBN:978-7-5327-6892-9
  • 出版社:上海译文出版社
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Throughout China's long history, classic texts have played a vital role in shaping the country and influencing the daily lives of its people. They have provided academic learning, practical advice and instructions on how to live in harmony with man and nature. They have also given expression to hopes and dreams, joys and sorrows. In this series of short articles, we introduce classic texts spanning more than 3,000 years and covering everything from medicine, mathematics and military strategy to religion, literature, arts and travel. These articles, written by Editor-in-Chief Emeritus Zhang Ciyun, are the stories of China's classic texts: their indelible mark on the country and their enduring influence as seen in adaptations of modern writing and textbooks for students across the country.

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